Transform Your Smartphone Into An Hacking Machine 2017(root may required)

Smartphones are the current trend in our generation and we all are using mobile phones daily. We cant explain the usability of smartphones and how they control us in today's world.  There are smartphone giants are fighting each other to stand up in front to reach out their customers. Although there many OS available in market and widely and popular OS used by the smartphone users are Android.

By taking advantage of these OS vulnerabilities and the increased number of smartphone users many hacking apps are creating for hacking someones through your Android smartphone. In older days the hackers are mainly targeted on Desktop users and all their efforts are on the studying for hacking Desktop PC users. Now, they turned over to smartphone because of popularity of smartphones.

Nowadays the risk for using these android apps are like using a normal android app and its very common in all. So here i bringing some killer android apps to turn over your android smartphone into an hacking device. If you wish to become a real hacker then these apps must be installed in your android smartphone and this will favors you a lot.
So let's start the discussion.

Turn Your Android Smartphone Into An Hacking Device

#1. SpoofApp

Here is the first app to be installed in your smartphone  for setting up your hacking tool. This app helps you to create a fake caller ID and you can make calls to your friends and prank them with this number. However in Apple App store they refuge this app and didn't allowed to enter it. This apps will helps you a lot in order to be safe and to protect your privacy from others.

#2.  Penetrate Pro

The second step to build you hacking tool is to install Penetrate Pro app in your android smartphone. The strategy of hacking this app is it will cracks your nearby WiFi even without any effort. You may think this will needs a lot of cracking. But simple it won't needs much effort to crack the WiFi network, said by the developers of this app. So you should install this app to build a strong base for you hacking device.

#3. Anti-Android Network Toolkit

This app is same like the above mentioned app which scans your nearby WiFi network and and can able to know the vulnerabilities of it to attack them through Dos attacks. So this is an additional support to your hacking device. So you should use it.

#4. FaceNiff

If your smartphone is connected to an WiFi network then the role of this app is very high.  This app helps you to intercept the web session profiles. Also by using this app it is possible to hijack the sessions when the WiFi network is not using. So you should use it. Its an handy app and its very easy to use than other apps.

#5. Andosid

The next step to make your hacking device a clean device by installing Andosid app. This app tries to crack the password using the DOS attacks as like desktop hacking process through your android smartphone.

#6. Nmap For Android

This is an network scanning tool helps you to provide entire whole information about the details of the IP address of their websites. In earlier this is used in Desktop PC and now the android version of this app is released for easier handling.

#7. The Android Network Toolkit

This app comes with bunch of tool kit used to penetrate any android attacks. Hackers can find vulnerabilities and can able to make attacks by penetrating to their android phone.

#8. ConnectBot

This app is a SSH/Telnet client which allows you to act as terminal emulator through this app for the Linux local sub system. This app is a free app and its available in Play-store market.

#9. Network Discovery

Its an simple and handy tool for easily finding enumerating device in the connected WiFi network. This app is made for the simple users and non-technical persons can easily make use of this app, So this a must tool to be installed on your smartphone.

#10. WiFi Analyzer

And the last step to complete your construction for your android hacking machine. This is a popular android hacking app which allows you to make a complete analyze over the WiFi networks and can able to know which WiFi network uses less number of peoples and which WiFi network is more speed. This app is an average mode of app and technical and non-technical persons can use this.
Note:- For some reasons i didn't provided the download link to download these apps. If you wish to get the link from me, then kindly make a request on the blog commenting section and i will put forward my effort.

Bingo!! You Made Yourself An Hacking Machine

So these are the ultimate list of android apps to transform it as an android hacking machine and i hope these apps will helps you a lot for any good minded hacking purposes. I personally recommend you, not to use these apps for any type if illegal hacking purposes. Be Good, Be Honest.


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